• Student Life


Prospectus SCROLL

Learning and Excellence

In line with our College Mission Statement, Sacred Heart Girls’ College provides a dynamic environment that educates young people to be compassionate, discerning, resilient, and true to our motto, Always Striving Upwards.

We are a collaborative, creative, reflective, and innovative learning community, that maintains our culture of excellence through continuous improvement.

Our future focused learning and teaching program offers our young women many opportunities to develop the skills, dispositions and knowledge required to be successful and engaged learners.

Our dedicated teachers seek innovative ways to bring learning to life by making real world connections. Teachers are committed to their own development and regularly participate in a range of professional learning activities, with the constant aim of improving the learning outcomes for all students.

Our learning spaces encourage collaborative learning and a sense of community in an environment that is technologically rich. Our students are provided with a College issued laptop in Years 7 and 10 and all learning spaces include interactive whiteboards to ensure digital technologies are seamlessly and purposefully integrated throughout the curriculum. The College has a well-resourced library and specialised facilities for subjects including Science, Physical Education, Art, and Media to encourage a love of learning.


Our learning and teaching program offers our students many opportunities to develop the skills, dispositions and knowledge required to be successful and engaged learners. In addition to a rigorous academic program, the College offers a range of co-curricular opportunities to further develop and enhance these skills. These opportunities cover a range of areas such as Social Justice, Sport, The Arts, Debating, Student Leadership and subject based competitions and clubs.


Our curriculum is designed so that all students experience each of the discipline-based domains required by the Victorian Curriculum, as well an engaging Religious Education program. We focus on developing the full range of interdisciplinary and physical, personal and social knowledge skills and behaviours that enable students to take initiative, to manage elements of their learning and make responsible decisions.

Students in Years 7 and 8 study a common core program, including a mixture of year and semester length units. All Year 7 students study Indonesian and either French or Italian for a semester, and then choose one of these languages to continue with in Years 8 and 9.

Our Year 9 and 10 curriculum continues to be structured around the Victorian Curriculum but recognises that students at this stage wish to explore new areas of interest, seek new learning opportunities, and begin to consider future pathways. The Year 9 and 10 Elective program facilitates these priorities.




  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Health & Physical Education
  • History
  • Geography
  • Information Technology
  • Languages

Indonesian & French


Indonesian & Italian

  • Art
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Music




  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Languages (one of):
    • French
    • Indonesian
    • Italian
  • Art
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Food Technology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Information Technology
  • Music




  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Health & Physical Education
  • History
  • Geography
  • Languages (continued from Year 8) one of:
    • French
    • Indonesian
    • Italian

Students choose 4 electives from any of the following Learning Areas:

  • English
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Humanities
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Technologies
  • The Arts



ELECTIVE SUBJECTS (one semester)

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Health & Physical Education
  • History (one semester)
  • Geography (one semester)

Students choose 4 electives from any of the following Learning Areas:

  • English
  • Health & PE
  • Humanities
  • Languages (two semesters)
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Technologies
  • The Arts

Year 10 students may be invited to apply for early entry into a limited number of VCE studies if they meet the prescribed criteria for acceleration.


We offer a wide range of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) studies. Through our partnerships with local TAFE providers, senior students also have access to Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses as part of their VCE program.

Religious Education is compulsory for all Year 11 and Year 12 students.

VCE Subject Selections

Learning Diversity

The Learning Diversity space creates a safe and supportive environment for many students at Sacred Heart. The Learning Diversity team support students to achieve success in all areas of their schooling life. This is achieved through individualised support to students at their point of need. This includes open and regular communication between student, school and home. In class support is provided by teachers through differentiated learning and one on one support of learning support officers. Collaboration between learning diversity and student teaching teams occurs regularly. Students are provided with modified learning programs and interventions where required and growth is measured and tracked through personal learning plans. Assessment provisions and adjustments are made at Sacred Heart from Year 7 through to Year 12 to provide students with the tools they need to reach their academic potential.

At Sacred Heart we acknowledge the changing landscape our students navigate in society, and provide the necessary care and support each student needs to flourish.

Academic Enrichment

Sacred Heart recognises the importance of offering enrichment opportunities to further develop the academic success of our students. Differentiation within the classroom adds breadth and depth to the curriculum so that students can access the coursework at a deeper level. We aim to extend learning beyond the usual classroom setting by offering a variety of multidisciplinary extracurricular activities. These activities are run both internally and externally to foster and enhance the unique talents of our students. From the Science Talent Search, Coding Club and Bridge Building Competition to DAV debating, the VCAA Plain English-Speaking Awards and Model United Nations Assembly, we seek to cater to the diverse interests of our student body and encourage their individual passions. The College also invites students with high academic potential to partake in programs targeted towards expanding critical, creative, and divergent thinking. Tournament of Minds is a competition that fosters cooperative learning for selected students in years 7-10. These students are tasked with working collaboratively to problem solve open ended challenges. Students excelling in Mathematics, are invited to participate in the Australasian Problem-Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO) to test their skills against other teams from across Australia and New Zealand. We seek to enrich the learning experience of our students so that they are always striving upwards to achieve their personal best.


Sacred Heart Girls’ College passionately facilitates our students’ affinity for working with numbers.

At Years 7 and 8, the ability for the students to work confidently with multiplication tables, decimals, fractions and directed numbers is important in underpinning their forays into algebraic manipulation and their work with measurement and probability problems.

Students are pre-tested on the key aspects of numeracy concepts and processes, and Numeracy Mentors provide one-on-one assistance where necessary to reinforce and supplement the work done by the classroom teachers. Post-testing tracks progress made by each individual student and informs the next steps required in the important journey towards mastery of essential numerical skills.

Numeracy Support then continues, in groups, during Year 9, ensuring each student enters her Senior Years at the College as a numerate young woman.


Sacred Heart Girls’ College is committed to building, developing, and extending our students’ literacy inside, and beyond, the secondary school classroom. 

At Sacred Heart Girls’ College we know that the move from a primary to a secondary school environment means a leap in learning expectations and literacy. Using transition data, pre-testing data and teacher referrals, Year 7 students who need additional support are offered weekly small group sessions with a member of the Literacy Team to develop their skills in reading and writing. In Year 8, students who would continue to benefit from additional support are offered a term of Literacy Booster sessions focussing on their skills in grammar, punctuation, writing, spelling, reading and vocabulary. 

One to one assistance is provided to students with specific literacy needs throughout their time at the College. Students with English as an additional language (EAL) are also supported to participate in the EAL curriculum.

The Literacy Team works closely with the College Library to engender and share a love of language and literacy in all its many forms. The library catalogue includes a wide variety of genres and text types including multicultural literature and film, graphic novels, and Aboriginal poetry. 

We are dedicated to helping all students meet their potential and develop as empowered, confident, and critically literate learners. 

Outdoor Learning

Our Outdoor Learning Program runs over four years, with all students participating in a series of sequentially linked adventure experiences. Developed using an experiential learning model, it is designed to challenge students individually and collectively by placing them in unfamiliar surroundings, and in a range of situations.

In the classroom students can continue to pursue outdoor and environmental learning through the Year 9 elective program and in the VCE subject of Outdoor & Environmental Studies.

Year Level Camps

Year 7 Discovery Camp

Focussing on accepting challenges and building friendships, Year 7 students participate in a range of adventure style activities. Students spend one night in a cabin and the other in a tent at a bush campsite.

Year 8 Challenge Camp

Held along the Mornington Peninsula coastline, the Challenge Camp focusses on marine environments. The three-day program aims to extend the skills students acquired during their Year 7 experience.

Year 9 Mountain Camp

Year 9 Students spend four days in the iconic Bogong High Plains of Victoria. The alpine location increases the level of personal and physical challenge while providing opportunities for students to connect with each other and the surrounding environment.

Year 10 Summit Camp

Structured as a four day journey, Summit Camp is for many students the finale of their Outdoor Education experience at Sacred Heart. The focus of the Year 10 experience is on leadership, accepting challenge, and community action. Set across four stunning locations, students can choose from sea kayaking, canoeing, rock climbing or multi activity programs.

Year 7 Discovery Camp

Focussing on accepting challenges and building friendships, Year 7 students participate in a range of adventure style activities. Students spend one night in a cabin and the other in a tent at a bush campsite.

Year 8 Challenge Camp

Held along the Mornington Peninsula coastline, the Challenge Camp focusses on marine environments. The three-day program aims to extend the skills students acquired during their Year 7 experience.

Year 9 Mountain Camp

Year 9 Students spend four days in the iconic Bogong High Plains of Victoria. The alpine location increases the level of personal and physical challenge while providing opportunities for students to connect with each other and the surrounding environment.

Year 10 Summit Camp

Structured as a four day journey, Summit Camp is for many students the finale of their Outdoor Education experience at Sacred Heart. The focus of the Year 10 experience is on leadership, accepting challenge, and community action. Set across four stunning locations, students can choose from sea kayaking, canoeing, rock climbing or multi activity programs.

Outdoor Ed showreel


Our Year 9 STRIVE program is designed with the overarching goal of nurturing confident, creative, and lifelong learners. This program is crafted to provide students with a holistic educational experience that extends beyond traditional classroom boundaries. The rationale for the STRIVE program is rooted in the belief that a comprehensive education encompasses not only academic excellence but also the development of essential life skills, creativity, and a proactive attitude towards learning.

One key element of STRIVE is its commitment to fostering confidence among our Year 9 students. Confidence is a fundamental attribute that empowers individuals to navigate challenges, express their ideas, and engage actively in various aspects of life. By curating a diverse range of activities, both within and beyond the classroom, the program aims to create learning experiences that encourage students to step out of their comfort zones, take on leadership roles, and develop a positive self-image.

By incorporating diverse projects, problem-solving activities, and collaborative initiatives, STRIVE seeks to unlock each student's unique creative potential, fostering a mindset that values innovation and resourcefulness.

Moreover, STRIVE is designed to instil a love for lifelong learning. Students engage in activities that spark intellectual curiosity and promote a thirst for knowledge. Whether through investigative learning opportunities, excursions, or interactive workshops, the program aims to ignite a passion for continuous learning, preparing students for a future where flexibility and an ability to acquire new skills are paramount.

The incorporation of activities both within and outside the classroom is a deliberate choice to provide a well-rounded educational experience. Community engagement, and exposure to real-world scenarios contribute significantly to the development of holistic, adaptable individuals. By immersing students in a variety of contexts, STRIVE endeavours to broaden their perspectives, enhance their interpersonal skills, and reinforce the connection between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

STRIVE aims to empower students not only academically but also holistically, equipping them with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Music Program

We are proud to have a vibrant, varied music program supported by a wonderful team of industry professionals with experience teaching and performing all over the world. Every student involved in our Music Program is provided with the opportunity to foster a life-long love of music, including wide ranging opportunities including Year 7 Band Program, individual singing, instrumental music and our premiere College Orchestra.

Throughout the year our music students partake in a wide range of wonderful performance opportunities both at the College and in the broader community, experience life on the road with interstate Music Tours and develop their skills at Music Camp.

Music is an essential part of liturgical life at Sacred Heart Girls’ College - in the words of Martin Luther: "Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world."

We are proud to have a vibrant, varied music program supported by a wonderful team of industry professionals with experience teaching and performing all over the world. Every student involved in our Music Program is provided with the opportunity to foster a life-long love of music, including wide ranging opportunities including Year 7 Band Program, individual singing, instrumental music and our premiere College Orchestra.

Throughout the year our music students partake in a wide range of wonderful performance opportunities both at the College and in the broader community, experience life on the road with interstate Music Tours and develop their skills at Music Camp.

Music is an essential part of liturgical life at Sacred Heart Girls’ College - in the words of Martin Luther: "Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world."

Pathways & Careers

At Sacred Heart Girls’ College, we believe in the provision of a holistic education that prepares students for an ever changing world and for careers and jobs that may not yet exist. Our emphasis is on equipping students with the skills and disposition they will need to become work ready, lifelong learners.  

Our progressive Careers Program provides students with an insight to life beyond Sacred Heart Girls’ College. Recognising that each student is unique, we emphasise the many pathways available for students to achieve their goals and ambitions. 

The Pathways & Careers Program at Sacred Heart is broad and responsive to the needs of our students. It includes Morrisby Profile Testing, our year 9 STRIVE program, career counselling, subject selection advice and support in transitioning to higher education.  

At Sacred Heart Girls’ College, we believe in the provision of a holistic education that prepares students for an ever changing world and for careers and jobs that may not yet exist. Our emphasis is on equipping students with the skills and disposition they will need to become work ready, lifelong learners.  

Our progressive Careers Program provides students with an insight to life beyond Sacred Heart Girls’ College. Recognising that each student is unique, we emphasise the many pathways available for students to achieve their goals and ambitions. 

The Pathways & Careers Program at Sacred Heart is broad and responsive to the needs of our students. It includes Morrisby Profile Testing, our year 9 STRIVE program, career counselling, subject selection advice and support in transitioning to higher education.