Always striving upwards

Year 8 News

Immunisation is a hot topic in both the Australian and international media. The COVID pandemic has heightened our awareness of how quickly change can occur and the implications of complacency and a lack of preparedness. We are fortunate that here in Australia we have a robust health system that is not only world class but one that treats all people fairly, regardless of fame or fortune.

We are also lucky to have a council run and free immunisation program that enables all our young people to be vaccinate d against measles, mumps, diphtheria, chicken pox, rubella, meningitis, polio, and tetanus. On Monday 17 May, Year 8 students received the second dose of the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine which had been deferred from last year. Without fanfare or drama, students lined up, received an injection, and resumed classes after a 15 minute rest.

The students are to be commended for their maturity throughout the day. In addition, they demonstrated respect and understanding for the many young women around the world who lack access to any health care facilities, let alone the preventative health measures freely available to young people in Australia.

As noted in a previous newsletter, our wellbeing program has focused on emotional literacy and the development of soft skills. Soft skills are difficult to master, are always needed and are transferable. They include interpersonal skills, communication skills, manners, punctuality, problem solving and group work. In this lesson, Year 8s learned about body language, how to introduce people and a special conversation technique. These skills will be used throughout the year at a variety of occasions.

With my best wishes,

Kate de Lacy
Year 8 Level Leader